Two Sigma Internship

Jun 6, 2021 - Aug 12, 2021

Company: Two Sigma Internship Two Sigma

Languages used: Python HTML 

Tools used: Pandas NumPy Matplotlib Jinja Internal tools 

Unfortunately, I cannot share much about the work that I did as part of my internship because Two Sigma is a finance company that works with a lot of secure IP.

Every FinTech company has financial simulations, that is an open secret. I worked on a project to measure the robustness and precision of the financial simulations. I designed reports that display the results of the analyses performed on the financial simulations using Pandas, NumPy and Matplotlib for swift analysis and plot generation.

The process was fully automated using internal tools, and Jinja was used for rendering the reports using HTML templating. The reports can be easily accessed by engineers and modelers at Two Sigma and can potentially have many use cases in the future.